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Helping you become

Your best self

Your No. 1 Choice in Personal Cosmetic Finance

We believe that if you’ve got it, flaunt it. We’re not just talking about physical beauty. It’s about having the confidence to be the person you really want to be. Feeling good about yourself is a powerful tool. So, if you want it, we’re here to help you make it happen. As personal cosmetic surgery finance specialists, we’re here to give you a choice. And that’s a powerful thing.

We are the No.1 choice in personal loans for cosmetic, medical and dental procedures. When you take a closer look, it’s easy to see why. What sets us apart is that we offer a simple, state-of-the-art solution for your cosmetic needs by centralising payment and providing complete transparency when it comes to payments and approved loan amounts.

By simplifying the process, you also don’t waste valuable time starting your journey.

If you are ready, so are we – let’s get started!

Chief Executive

Meet Mina, a dynamic professional with over a decade of experience in the finance industry. He has been a pivotal force behind the inception and expansion of Loan Path Finance, taking the helm as Managing Director in 2019.

Marked by his exceptional interpersonal skills and talent for solving complex financial challenges, Mina introduces a high-performance culture to Choice Cosmetics that is strategic and results-driven. His leadership empowers our team to focus on achieving our clients’ goals and objectives, facilitating quick and reliable finance solutions.

Mina’s dedication and expertise are driving forces behind our mission to deliver top-notch financial services in the cosmetic industry.

Chief Financial

Meet Stephen, a seasoned professional with a remarkable career spanning over a decade in the construction and development industry.

As an expert in Accounting and Finance, he has been instrumental in steering the financial success of numerous companies throughout his career. His ability to connect with others and adeptly manage people is remarkable, setting him apart in his field.

Stephen’s passion for fostering connections and his entrepreneurial spirit culminated in the founding of Choice Cosmetics, a testament to his innovation and vision and his ability to create opportunities where others may see challenges.


Your body, your future,
your Choice.


To bring peoples’ dreams
to life.

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    Easy, fast
    With Choice, you can fund your cosmetic
    procedure the easy way. With reasonable loan
    approval times, your cosmetic journey
    can start today. Here’s how:
    EASY: Online

    Our online application process is quick and easy.
    Tell us how much you need, upload supporting
    documents and we’ll let you know if you’re eligible.

    FAST: 24-Hour

    Who likes waiting? We know you want to start the
    process as soon as possible, which is why we assess
    and approve your loan amount within 24 hours.

    No Hidden Costs

    We keep you in the loop from start to finish with
    streamlined information regarding the payment process
    and all costs associated with your loan.